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Third Sunday of Lent

March 23rd 2025


My dear parishioner,
I hope this finds you and your families well as we make our journey through the holy season of Lent; let us continue to remember our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in our prayers, What a Lenten journey the Pope is making, and of course the whole church is making it with him and for him.

Mary's Meals sent the following message to the parish: "Thank you for the warm welcome you gave to Julie and I when we visited the parish in early March to share Mary's Meals with you all through our short talk. We were bowled over by the generous response (£5,500), which has fully funded the meals at Namichenja School for a whole year. On behalf of each of the 286 children at the school, Thank You".
Sarah Mallon, Supporter Engagement Officer

Next Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, is traditionally SCIAF Sunday: this year, this good Scottish Charity is marking the 60th Anniversary of helping people around the world: "In this Jubilee Year of Hope, we are once again asking for your support, so that we can bring hope to those struggling to find it. Please stand in solidarity with SCIAF and our sisters and brothers who are living in poverty."

Pope Francis urges us, "to refuse to turn a blind eye to the tragedy of rampant poverty that prevents millions of men, women, young people and children from living in a manner worthy of our human dignity.

Next weekend a second collection will be taken up to support the good work of
SCIAF. As we know well, a little donation from many people turns into substantial support; this collection will be taken up in every Catholic Parish in Scotland. Please feel free to use your offertory collection for your donation to SCIAF.

Youth Ministry Summit: St. Bride's Hall, Motherwell, Saturday 12th April, 9.30am to 3,30pm: a day of inspirational talks, practical training, discussions and useful resource handouts

The Daily Liturgy enables us to listen to the words of Jesus and to find real hope in what he says and does; the moment of Holy Communion is indeed a moment of personal encounter with Jesus. If you are free on weekdays, please consider joining us for the rosary and Mass as part of our parish pilgrimage of hope.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: The Novena consists of some beautiful prayers of intercession and thanksgiving, a moment of reflection and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, then the opportunity to receive Holy Communion; please consider making the Novena part of your Pilgrimage of Hope, You would be most welcome.

Aid to the Church in Need: Scottish Conference, 'Courage to be Catholic' Saturday 29th March, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 9.30-4pm. Hear from inspiring speakers, meet representatives of Catholic organizations from around Scotland and help build the Catholic Community. To register:

Credo, the Parish Faith Sharing Group meets on Tuesday in the meeting room at 1 o'clock; new members are always welcome.

Coffee Morning next Sunday, March 23rd after the 9am and 10.30am Mass: Fairtrade invite you to come around to the hall and enjoy some coffee, tea, toast and home-baking. Some Fairtrade goods and Easter Eggs will be available to purchase.

Recently Deceased: Robert McGuire, William Liddell, Laraine Dempsey, Edward Craw, Mary Brogan, Rosemary Gartland, Mary Anne McCabe

Special Remembrance: Catherine Grant, Helen Harkins, Annie Miller, and all our own deceased relatives and friends and all the benefactors of St. Mary's and St. Paul's.

Gift Aid Envelopes: the new envelopes can be uplifted from the back of the church; very sincere thanks to all who help support the parish through Gift Aid. If you pay tax on your income please think about Gift Aiding your contributions to the church. The form takes but a moment to complete and the parish receives an extra 25% on your giving. Last year we received £25,000 from the Inland Revenue in Tax Repayment. Sign up forms are available in the sacristy or at the back of the church. If you wish to donate by Bank Mandate (Standing Order) fill in both parts of the form; if you wish to donate by envelopes, then fill in only the second part of the form. Please return to Mrs. Mary Hoggan or Fr. O'Brien as soon as possible to enable us to start reclaiming the tax repayments on your church donations.


Sunday Masses at St. Mary’s:


Saturday Vigil at 5.00pm and Sunday Morning at 9.00am 10.30am



 St Mary's Mass Times


Contact St Mary's and St Paul's, Hamilton

120 Cadzow St, Hamilton ML3 6HP, UK

01698 423552

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