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Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul

June 30th 2024


My dear parishioners at St. Mary and St. Paul’s,


I hope this finds you and your families well and looking forward to resting and relaxing in a welcome break from work and from school. Whether you are going away to faraway places or staying closer to home, I hope you have a beautiful summer holiday and come back refreshed.


We know that the origins and history of our Christian Faith really matter; the liturgy of the Apostles Peter and Paul takes us to the beginnings of the Christian journey and it’s good to reflect on these two great foundation stones of our faith:


St. Peter (+64), originally Simon, son of John and the brother of St. Andrew, was from Bethsaida in Galilee and a fisherman to trade, his call from Jesus is recorded in all four Gospels; despite his obvious human weaknesses, he is eventually chosen as the leader of the twelve, the rock on which the Church was built. After Pentecost, he became particularly associated with Antioch and then Rome; he was crucified under Nero and buried at the Vatican.


St. Paul (+67), originally Saul, was from Tarsus, then capital of the Roman province of Cilicia, now in Southern Turkey; he was a Pharisee and the son of Pharisees and a tent maker to trade, and he was a Roman citizen. He was initially a persecutor of Christians but was converted by the Lord on his way to Damascus. He became the Apostle to the Gentiles, preaching the Gospel to the uncircumcised, reaching Greece, Italy, Malta and possibly even Spain. He was beheaded along the Via Ostiense and buried nearby, on the site where the basilica bearing his name now stands.


Through our baptism, Peter and Paul are our older brothers in faith and of course in the communion of saints we have so many older sisters and brothers from whom we can learn so much about the cost of discipleship. As we celebrate this important Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church, let us pray together for the grace to keep following the Lord in good times and in challenging times. The daily liturgy often brings us into the company of the saints; please remember you are always welcome to join us for morning Mass during your break from work or school.


Finally, as we engage in the General Election, the Bishops of Scotland ask that we pray for those who will be charged with representing the nation’s interests in Parliament; may they pursue peace and justice and put the human person at the centre of all political activity.


I offer here the Schedule for the Daily Liturgy:


Monday July 1st: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am; Novena at 7pm


Tuesday July 2nd: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40


Wednesday July 3rd: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am


Thursday July 4th: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am


Saturday July 6th: Vigil Mass at 5pm

Sunday July 7th: Mass at 9am and 10.30am


Monday July 8th: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am; Novena at 7pm


Tuesday July 9th: Requiem Mass for Georges Sanglan at 10.30am

Reception on Monday at 6.15pm


Wednesday July 10th: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am


Thursday July 11th: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am


Saturday July 13th: Memorial Mass for Philip Wilson at 11am


This weekend there is a special collection for Peter’s Pence, Pope Francis’ charity for helping the Church in challenging areas of the world; as we have seen so often, a little donation from us all goes a long way. Thank you.


The family of baby Owen Turner have asked us to remember Owen on the first Anniversary of his death; he was born on July 1st 2023 and passed on July 2nd. We remember also his Mum and Dad and grandparents and all who miss him; let us pray also for all parents who have suffered the loss of a much loved son or daughter; may our prayers bring comfort and strength.


Recently Deceased: Georges Sanglan, Ines Maxwell, Massimo Boccalini, Molly Livingstone, John Devlin,  Mary Higgins, Alan Young, Stephen Marshall, Anna McCool, Andrew Kerr, Rosemary Casey, Jim Pollock, Agnes Kelly, Eddie Devlin, May White, Hugh Morgan (Wigan)


Special Remembrance: Joseph Smith, Ann Terrett, John and Mary Dalton, Joe McCafferty, Frank and Mary McAteer and deceased members of the McCafferty and McAteer families, and all our deceased relatives and friends and the benefactors of St. Mary’s and St. Paul’s.



The Newsletter will take a break during the school holidays.


Sunday Masses at St. Mary’s:


Saturday Vigil at 5.00pm and Sunday Morning at 9.00am 10.30am



 St Mary's Mass Times


St Paul's 


Contact St Mary's and St Paul's, Hamilton

120 Cadzow St, Hamilton ML3 6HP, UK

01698 423552

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