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Seventh Sunday of the Year

February 23rd 2025


My dear parishioners,


Bishop Toal has sent a letter to all the parishes of the Diocese asking that we be represented at a Wellspring Parish Renewal Meeting on Monday 10th March at St. Bernadette’s Church, Motherwell from 7-9pm. The bishop suggests that three or four people from each parish take part in the discussions around parish renewal, with a strong emphasis on spiritual growth; it will be a time to pray together and learn from each other as we all strive for spiritual renewal. In addition to hearing the experience of three parishes who have initiated their renewal programmes, there will be opportunity to pray and reflect together, as well as discussion and listening.


St. Andrew’s Hospice, Airdrie: Make a Will Month, March 2025: Make or update your Will and support the good work of the hospice during the month of March. Several Lanarkshire Legal Firms have agreed to write a basic Will or update an existing Will and wave their legal fees, in return for a donation to St. Andrew’s Hospice. For further information please contact Lorna McCafferty, Trusts, Legacy and Individual Giving Manager, at St. Andrew’s Hospice on 01236 772087 or email,uk.

Hospice website: for details of the Solicitors taking part.


The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 4-6th April 2025 at Conforti Centre, Coatbridge, For details contact: Louise on 07926 571004 or email: Parishioners who have taken part in this weekend retreat have said how helpful it was.


Natural Family Planning-God’s Way-Nature’s Way: The Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Fertility Regulation is a successful family planning method for couples having difficulty conceiving or simply wanting a family safely and naturally. It is proven to be 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy without side-effects. It also strengthens marriages and focuses on couples successfully planning a family together in equal partnership.


Interested in sharing this knowledge with others? Apply for our flexible, online Training Course to become an accredited teacher today. For further information, please contact Fertility Care Scotland at


We look forward next weekend to welcoming our friends from the charity Mary’s Meals. The Parish Council invites you to enjoy some tea/coffee, toast and home-baking in the parish hall after the two morning Masses next Sunday. Donations of home baking would be gratefully received.


I offer here the Schedule for the Daily Liturgy:


Monday Feb. 24th: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am; confessions at 6.30pm; novena at 7pm


Tuesday February 25th: Mass at 10am

Rosary 9.40am


Wednesday February 26th: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am; Exposition of the Bl.Sacrament until 2.15pm


Thursday February 27th: Mass at 10am

Rosary at 9.40am


The Parish Council: members will meet on Wednesday March 12th at 7pm; your comments and suggestions are welcome; please speak with one of the members or place a note in the box at the back of the church or email


The Daily Liturgy enables us to listen to the words of Jesus and to find real hope in what he says and does; the moment of Holy Communion is indeed a moment of personal encounter with Jesus. If you are free on weekdays, please consider joining us for the rosary and Mass as part of our parish pilgrimage of hope,


Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: The Novena consists of some beautiful prayers of intercession and thanksgiving, a moment of reflection and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, then the opportunity to receive Holy Communion; please consider making the Novena part of your Pilgrimage of Hope? You would be most welcome.


Aid to the Church in Need: Scottish Conference, ‘Courage to be Catholic’ Saturday 29th March, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 9.30-4pm. Hear from inspiring speakers, meet representatives of Catholic organizations from around Scotland and help build the Catholic Community. To register: https://www.trybooking,com/uk/EHSR


Credo, the Parish Faith Sharing Group meets on Tuesday in the meeting room at 1 o’clock; new members are always welcome.


Recently Deceased: Jimmy Ward, Sandra Bogan, Elaine Fenty, Anne Gemmell, Doreen Anne Henderson, Johanna McKinstry, Carol McBrearty, 


Special Remembrance: John McInness, Charlie Boyle, Rose Flannigan, Mamie Lally, Ronnie Boyd, Tom Collins, John and Elizabeth Fulton, James Fulton, and all our own deceased relatives and friends and all the benefactors of St. Mary’s and St. Paul’s.


Please note that you can access the church from the car park without climbing the stairs; the gate at the end of the path leading to Cadzow Street is opened each day before the liturgy.


Sunday Masses at St. Mary’s:


Saturday Vigil at 5.00pm and Sunday Morning at 9.00am 10.30am



 St Mary's Mass Times


Contact St Mary's and St Paul's, Hamilton

120 Cadzow St, Hamilton ML3 6HP, UK

01698 423552

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